User Guides

Get started with evolveVoucher by using these easy to follow user guides

Billings Pro Support

Can I use evolve?

Timeslips Support

Clio Support

TimeSolv Support


evolveVoucher has transformed my life and my sanity

As a solo practitioner CJA panel attorney, evolveVoucher has transformed my life and my sanity. As someone on the older side of the technology spectrum, it took me a couple of vouchers to get the hang of things. But once I did, it was effortless.

We all know how antiquated eVoucher is and how much time we consume with billing - the one task we're not compensated for. The additional hours I'm able to devote to compensated work because of the evolveVoucher program is unquantifiable.

evolveVoucher is user friendly and well worth the money. Think about it this way: even if it only takes you an hour to do one CJA20 voucher, that's an hour you could be working an billing $152 while spending only $20.00

Edie Rogoway Criminal Defense Attorney - CJA